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Showing posts from March, 2018

My Journey to help stop fat shaming & College Bullying

I’m going, to be honest readers this is not an easy topic for me to talk about but I only felt like it was right for me to talk about since I had personally been dealing with it since my first semester in college and on top of it I’m still dealing with it. I’m making it my mission by telling my story that it will help others find the courage to stand up for themselves and to take action to help others. The incident that was the final straw for me and motivated me to get an overdrive for my cause. On March 7 th , 2018 a nasty note was slipped under my door saying “Perri is a fat ass Pig!!!” on a pink index card. When I came across the note all of my emotions hit me like a ton of bricks went from being angry to disgust with the childish behavior of the note from wanting to open up a big can of whoop-ass on whoever did it. Instead, I just took the logical steps and told one of the trusted RA’s that I knew and went from there. Oh Boy, I wish the childishness had stopped there but it d