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Showing posts from February, 2018

My Favorite Class This Semester

My favorite class this semester is African Diaspora and the reason why it is African Diaspora because of my professor Dr. Carleen Jackson, she  is a real example of a true educator because she pushes her students to strive for the best and encourages them to pursue their dreams and to work hard every day to make your dreams your reality and not settle for being complacent in life. Not only does she teach about African history she also teaches life lessons in class. Dr. Jackson has inspired and encouraged me after I get my business degree to go for a 2nd degree which will be in African American Studies because I want to be able to teach young queens and kings the importance of our roots and how important our black history is.  I can honestly say I’m glad to be taken African Diaspora because it has open my eyes to so much information that I did not know that I should have known.